Welcome to the Wee Speech Blog

Free Articles for Parents

Our team at Wee Speech is committed to bringing you the latest information that could benefit your child.

On this blog you'll find a range of articles, information and recommendations.

Free Museum Days Summer 2024

  Museums serve as valuable resources for speech therapy, offering a dynamic and enriching environment that supports language development, communication ...
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Why does the history intake form ask about the types of textures my child eats and how does this relate to speech therapy?

Why does the history intake form ask about the types of textures my child eats and how does this relate ...
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Practicing tips for Success Over the Summer

The school year has come to an end!  How do you create a successful environment to practice your speech? First, ...
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The Importance of Carryover Activities

What is a carryover activity? A carryover activity takes the skills we are targeting in our speech therapy session and ...
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Breaking Up Writing Assignments

Writing assignments can be overwhelming and challenging for kids with a language disorder. The following are steps or “chunks” that can ...
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Schools Must Include Assistive Technology in IEPs

In January of 2024 the U.S. Department of Education issued a document and a “Dear Colleague” letter clarifying schools’ responsibilities ...
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