What is Vocal Hygiene? Why is it important?



Vocal hygiene is developing healthy habits to keep your voice healthy. Like the rest of our body, our vocal folds are made up of muscles and tissues. Whenever you exercise or overuse your muscles, you might feel sore. Similarly, our vocal folds can experience strain when the muscles are overused. The goal of vocal hygiene is to lessen the impact of negative vocal behaviors on a daily basis. Examples of negative vocal behaviors include shouting, excessive talking, constant clearing throat/coughing, excessive caffeine, and whispering. When developing healthy vocal hygiene habits think of including the following:


  • Drinking 6-8 glasses of water
  • Reduce excess taking (if you are taking for 3o minutes take a 10 minute break)
  • Reduce shouting 
  • Get enough sleep
  • Reduce whispering


For more information about vocal hygiene check out the links below. 


John Hopkins Medicine


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