As the snow continues to fall, take advantage of all of the wonderful language opportunities the snow provides. Here are some examples of free activities you can do in the snow:
*Snowball Fight
-Talk about basic concepts such as big, little, cold, round, etc. while making the snowballs
-Practice words with target sounds (e.g., ‘snow’ for /s/ blends, ‘ball’ for final /l/, and ‘throw’ for /th/)
-Talk about action words including throw, roll, catch, scoop, hide, hit, etc.
-Talk about basic concepts such as big/bigger/biggest, cold, round, little, etc.
-Practice words containing target sounds (e.g., ‘stick’ for /s/ blends and ‘mouth’ for /th/)
-Discuss different vocabulary terms for body parts and action words (e.g., roll, make, put, get, etc.)
-Talk about basic concepts including fast and slow
-Practice target sounds (e.g., ‘fast’ for /f/ and ’sled’ /s/ blends
-Talk about action words climb, slide, push, walk, etc.
*Snow Fort
-Discuss basic concepts (e.g., tall, skinny, wide, cold, etc.)
-Practice target sounds (e.g., ‘fort’ for /f/ and ‘make’ for /k/)
-Talk about different vocabulary terms such as walls, stack, cover, and build
*Burry/Find Game
Hide various items in the snow and take turns searching for “treasure”.
-Discuss target sounds
-Talk about different vocabulary terms including dig, look, find, guess, etc.