Practicing tips for Success Over the Summer



The school year has come to an end!  How do you create a successful environment to practice your speech? First, identify your children’s speech goals. Write your child’s goals down on a white board or family calendar that is visible for you and your child to see. If you are unsure about the goal, reach out to your child’s Speech Language Pathologist regarding their current goals in therapy.  Second, discuss the importance of practicing with your child and other caregivers in your child’s life. Applying the skills learned within speech sessions into different environments can help to broaden your child’s understanding of concepts. There are several ways to incorporate practicing in your everyday life. You can incorporate a goal with a daily activity such as brushing your teeth, getting dressed, or making breakfast. Using a sticker chart can be a great motivator to document practicing everyday. The third tip for success is including family members. Let your child know that they are not alone! You too can practice with them. Have your child help you create an activity for their siblings to try that includes their speech goal. The fourth tip is taking a break. Developing a healthy balance of work and play can be difficult. Take some time to spend with your family and create memories. Also remember to take a break for yourself! 

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