Category: blog

Developmental Milestone Check-in

When families come in for an initial evaluation, I sometimes get questions like “What age should my child be able to…?” Or “What should my child be doing at this point in development?”. While this information can be easily provided at the time of an evaluation, the American Speech and Hearing Association (ASHA) and a nonprofit called Bright by Text came together to help families receive this information at home. After a survey was completed, it was determined that speech and language development is currently one of families top concerns. Thus Bright by Text developed a system called “Identify the Signs” that can send you information about speech and language milestones, warning signs of speech language delay or disorder, activities to

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Autism as a Super Power

In an article from Fox News 13, Led Bradshaw, a father with a life-long interest in drawing, designed a comic book series “The New Adventures of Jake Jetpulse” to help his son Jake, diagnosed with Autism, learn more about the world. In the comic series, Jake (the main character) has the super power of Autism and encounters many different obstacles which have been recorded from Jake’s own imagination and experiences with peers. These comic book stories have paralleled social stories, an evidence based strategy for supporting children with Autism, which are commonly used to teach different social nuances (e.g. sharing, bullying, etc.) When Jake was diagnosed with Autism, Led’s research as a parent helped encourage his use of visual supports through

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Learning two (or more) languages in early childhood, your questions answered!

Raising children in a bilingual home, parents often have questions around bilingualism such as: Will two languages confuse my child? Why is my toddler using words from both languages in the same sentence? Research supports that from infancy, bilingual infants begin to distinguish two separate languages by the language’s acoustic features without confusion. Bilingual infants have the capability to attend to perceptual language features between the two languages such as differences in rhythm, tone, and prosody.  Mixing two languages in the same sentence: Oftentimes, code switching can be mistaken for confusion in young bilingual children. Code switching is when children mix or “borrow” words from two languages in the same sentence or utterance. Research supports that code switching is a component

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Getting Siblings Involved in Speech Practice

Why involve siblings in your child’s speech and language practice? For a child to master new speech and language skills, they should practice several times a week, outside of their speech therapy sessions.  This can be a challenging task for parents who are juggling busy schedules.  With fun, age-appropriate games and activities, your child’s siblings can learn to become helpers to make speech-language practice more enjoyable and enhance carryover of skills. By setting clear expectations and limits, the older sibling can also benefit from this experience.  If everyone has an opportunity to feel special and appreciated, it will create a positive experience for all and ultimately strengthen the sibling relationship. To keep the experience fun for both children: 1- Let

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Rebuilding Social Skills

Due to the pandemic, there has been limited in-person interactions. While interactions via Zoom have been helpful to continue working on social skills, it can still be hard to work on some areas of verbal and non-verbal communication. In the article, “Approaches for Helping Students Recoup Social Communication Skills”, Diana Paul discusses different ways to help rebuild social communication skills which may have regressed due to the pandemic. Some recommendations to help rebuild these skills are as follows: –Get communication partners involved: Peers, Parents, Caregivers, and Teachers. This allows a student to learn how to adapt their communication skills with a variety of communication partners in different environments. Additionally, having the communication partners ask a variety of questions (not just single

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COVID-19 Mandates and Impact on Speech Intelligibility

A recent article from the ASHA Leader reports that COVID-19 Mask Use and Social Distancing Guidelines are reported to decrease intelligibility of spoken language by 3-12 dB and even more so for individuals with hearing loss. It is reported that with every three feet of social distance, coupled with environmental noise, the volume of sound in conversation is ultimately measured to be cut in half. It is also reported that people with hearing loss who may wear hearing aids, may struggle with wearing their H.A as they can become dislodged, tangled, or lost as individuals attempt to wear and take off their face masks as needed.. AS COVID -19 has continued, clear speech masks have been marketed to allow for

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Building Your Child’s Emotional Vocabulary

Young children often have difficulty identifying how they are feeling and how to express their emotions appropriately.  Parents may observe behaviors such as hitting, biting, tantrums or outbursts at these times. While these moments can be challenging, they can also be a learning opportunity for your child in understanding and using “thinking and feeling” words. According to The Hanen Centre, studies show that children typically learn these types of words from their parents during everyday activities and conversation. Young children’s first thoughts and feelings revolve around their own wants and needs (“I want juice”) and their physical feelings (“I’m hungry”). As early as age two, they learn to talk about what other people are feeling (He’s sad”). It will take

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Speech Sound Disorder and Reading

Children with a history of speech-sound disorders are at risk for reading difficulties. Because of this, it is critical to start working on pre-literacy skills at an early age. Before a child is able to read, there are pre-reading skills that must develop. One of these skill areas is phonological awareness. Phonological awareness refers to the awareness of speech sounds and the ability to reflect and manipulate them. Phonological awareness includes skills such as rhyming, segmenting a word into sounds, blending sounds into a word, identifying the first or last sound in a word, and changing a sound to make a new word. Here are some activities you can try with your child to support the development of these skills:

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Warm Weather Fun and Language Development

            With spring and more warm weather approaching, many families are seeking fun things to do outside while still following the parameters of social distancing. The park is a great location for families to visit. While at the park, there are plenty of opportunities to promote language development for younger children. Here are a few ideas for parents: Basic concept pairs: ask your child if they want to go on the ‘big’ slide or the ‘small’ slide; when on the swings, do they want to be pushed ‘fast’ or ‘slow?’ do they want to climb ‘up’ the slide or go ‘down?’ For children who are beginning to use words: elicit ‘go’ when going down the slide or on the swings

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New Research on Dyslexia

According to a study conducted by researchers from The University of California San Francisco, children with a diagnosis of dyslexia were shown to display increased emotional sensitivity in film viewing probes compared to children without this diagnosis. Results from the study showed that children with dyslexia exhibited significantly greater reactivity in terms of facial expression and respiratory rate compared to peers without dyslexia, suggesting an underlying predisposition to stress, anxiety, and emotional dysregulation which could increasingly manifest with challenges in the academic areas of reading, writing which are associated with the diagnosis. 

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