Child will increase early two word combinations (e.g. verb+noun; verb+location, possessive noun+object)
Materials needed: A variety of laundry items, several laundry baskets, family’s seasonal clothes (e.g. hat, scarf, gloves)
Activity directions: Sort through various items in the laundry basket focusing on specific two word combination (e.g. put in, take out, big shirt vs. little pants, mommy’s socks, daddy’s pants etc.)
- Use repetition and modeling of forms alternating between two word targets and expansion phrases Ex: “mommy’s socks” “Look, I can put mommy’s socks in this pile.”
- Use specific vocabulary words and phrase ( put in in the basket vs. put in there OR Give me the big sock vs. get me that one.”
Helpful tips: Make it silly to engage your child by trying the clothes on that don’t fit or putting them on the wrong body part .
Disclosure statement: These activities have been designed for children who are currently receiving services and should not act as a substitute to weekly speech and language therapy.
Please contact Wee Speech, P.C. for more information about this or other activities that may benefit your child at 847-329-8226 or