Day: February 14, 2023

13 Words/Expressions You Should Model for Babies

  According to EatPlaySay (Instagram November, 2022), the following list of 13 words and expressions are considered to be some of the best vocabulary to support and model early speech-language in infant level play. Research supports that modeling functional nouns, verbs, sound effects, animal noises, and location concepts such as the ones listed helps to provide the best foundation for 2/3 word combinations expected of children later on. 1. Open 2. Up 3. On Top 4. Bang Bang 5. Quack Quack 6. Push 7. Turn 8. Out 9. Shake Shake 10 Close 11 Off 12 Banana (or another familiar food/drink) 13 Go

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Identifying Signs of Childhood Anxiety

  Internalized Anxiety is believed to be one of the largest hurdles to learning for all people. As stress is experienced in the body, adrenaline levels increase, forcing us into a flight or fight response. According to an article taken from the Washington Post (June 2011), studies show that anxiety for children in a home or classroom environment can be predictive of learning and social-emotional challenges. According to Primary Times Cornwall (Instagram April 2019),  childhood anxiety can take on many forms and can manifest as ‘something else’, suggesting children externalize anxiety in varied ways. Recognizing these indicators provides parents with helpful insights into supporting  children who demonstrate signs of anxiety at an early age. 1. Anger~Research shows that anger is often a major

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