Day: October 30, 2022

Gift Giving: Language Enhancing Toys/Games on Amazon/Online: 

As the holiday season quickly approaches look out for some of these recommended toys on Amazon! Here is a list along with some speech/language targets to be utilized at home: Piggy Bank: requesting, turn taking, expanding utterance length , identification/labeling qualitative (color)/quantitative (numerical) concepts, following directions Critter Clinic: understanding concepts (open/close), identification/labeling vocabulary (hiding animals/food/objects inside the doors), categorization of vocabulary (variety of objects in the doors and sort into each category once opened). Pop the Pig: turn taking, following multi-step directions involving qualitative and quantitative concepts, functional language, language expansion, production of bilabials (pop, pig, big, more, me) TOMY Gear Magnretic Toy: understanding concepts/following directions involving stop/go, on/off, fast/slow, more/all done, production of s-blends (spin, stop, start, smile,

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Recommendations to reduce screen time: 

Recently children have been prone to excessive screen time use due to greater accessibility from tablets and smartphones.  It is understandable parents are busy and need rest time themselves, however, excessive use can be damaging to a child’s growth and socialization.  Here are some recommendations on how to use screen time appropriately and reduce potential damage that excessive screens may be causing your child. How to cut down on screen time: Lead by example Children follow what they see.  If the child’s caregiver is scrolling on their phone while the family is at the dinner table, the child is watching and may internalize this as acceptable behavior. Have designated times and places where screen time is restricted If possible, try

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Visual Schedules

Although there are many types of visual schedules, they all typically contain images, symbols, photos and/or words to help communicate a task or activity. Depending on your child’s age and specific needs, their visual schedule may contain activities by the minute, hour, day, or week. For example, if your child requires more structure, they may use a visual schedule that uses “first, next, then” language to communicate activities for the next few minutes. If your child requires less structure with their daily activities, their visual schedule may list tasks for the entire day. Visual schedules are a powerful tool that can help kids perform complex tasks, organize their day, or follow a routine. Benefits include providing structure and predictability and supporting independence. Here are

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