What are Holly and her little man reading?

Our team member Holly and her son love to read together! Here are some of their favorites along with some language enrichment ideas!

My son has been so into a book entitled Mail Duck.  This adorable story is about a postal service duck who delivers mail to his friends.  The story has great rhymes and shapes and colors you can highlight with your child as you read.  Also a bonus it has lift flaps!  What kid doesn’t love that!  Mail Duck is written and illustrated by Erica Sirotich

Another great book – Moon (a peek a through book) by Britta Teckentrup is a book that highlights the phases of the moon and its influence of various animals.  The book contains some wonderful rhymes and is most appropriate for readers between the ages of 2-6.  However, my little guy enjoys it as well as long as I am the one talking through it, meaning I don’t stick to the text.  I point out animals I know he likes or will make a rhyming phrase/sentence for each picture.  He enjoys it a lot and if he points out anything and names it, I of course make a huge deal and repeat his word with enthusiasm & praise!

Stay tuned for more!!


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