Category: blog

Facial Expressions…

  Non-verbal communication can reveal a great deal about what another person is thinking or feeling.  Have you ever gotten a text or an email, but had difficulty reading the emotion behind the words?  Facial expressions, such as smiling or crying are examples of non-verbal communication.  Reading facial expressions can be difficult for a child diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs).  Here are some ideas to help improve facial recognition.  Activities that visually draw attention to the face, such as making faces in a mirror, will help increase awareness of emotions and facial expression.  Sorting tasks, such as sorting faces from non faces or sorting faces by emotions are great activities to help increase awareness of this form of non-verbal

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Sibling Support Project

Learning your child has special needs impacts all family members, especially siblings.  The Sibling Support Project’s purpose is to educate parents on sibling issues and connect siblings with other peers who have a brother or sister with special needs. Below you will find the link to the Sibling Support Project.

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Sensory Films at Your Local AMC

What is a sensory friendly film?  A sensory friendly film is a theater in which the lights are turned on and the music is turned down.  A day at a movie may become a sensory overload for a person with autism.  Local AMC theaters once a month offer sensory friendly films.  Check out the link below for upcoming showings in your area.  Occasionally, dates and films change, so call ahead to confirm.

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Social Skills to Survive and Thrive in High School

For Students with ASD, the high school scene can be a daunting experience.  Having strong school based support through the IEP is a great way to address this.  Check out this link from the American Speech Language Hearing Association which lists some suggested goals.–What-Happens-in-High-School-Goes-Beyond-High-School.htm

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Autism Awareness Month

April is autism awareness month.  One in eighty-eighty children are affected by autism in America.  Here is a list of resources.    Websites: Books: The Out-of-Sync Child: Recognizing and Coping with Sensory Processing Disorder, Revised Edition by Carol Kranowitz and Lucy Jane Miller Your Life is Not a Label: A Guide to Living Fully with Autism and Asperger’s Syndrome byJerry Newport My Friend with Autism: A Coloring Book for Peers and Siblings by Beverly Bishop The Autism Acceptance Book: Being a Friend to Someone With Autism by Ellen Sabin  

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CRICKET is a company that promotes reading materials for children.  The magazine targets different age groups incorporating a variety of topics such as science, archeology, and history.  The Kids’ Sites offers interesting reading material and fun educational activities for kids (i.e. recipes, experiments). Below you will find two links on the CRICKET website.  The first link provides information about each magazine and the second link takes you directly to Kids’ Sites. Link #1- Link #2-

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Food for thought…….

Have you ever read a book, but stopped because the book didn’t capture your attention?  As an adult, we can choose what we want to read. Unfortunately for a child, the choice is not always his or hers to make.  For a child with language difficulties, reading can become a difficult task because of deficits in vocabulary, reading comprehension, etc.  Finding engaging materials relevant to the individual child becomes important.  As a parent, informing your child’s therapist of his or her favorite reading materials will help the therapist develop activities that better capture your child’s attention.  This can be related to classroom material, a book chosen by your child, a book the family is reading at home, a favorite magazine,

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Adjectives…adjectives…adjectives…are everywhere!

Open your eyes and you will be surprised to stumble across adjectives in unusual places.   You can find adjectives in the kitchen (i.e. mushy oatmeal), on the playground (i.e. bumpy slide), in a classroom (i.e. sharp pencil), or in the car (i.e. loud music).  An adjective is a word used to describe a noun.   Adjectives describe our five senses, such as sight, sound, touch, smell, and taste.  Using and discussing adjectives can easily be added to everyday routines.  During mealtimes, have each person describe his or her food using an adjective (i.e.  I am eating sticky pancakes.).  Ask questions to increase awareness of adjectives (i.e. What does it taste like?  What does it look like?).  You can then ask your

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Spring Cleaning

Spring is a time of year to declutter our homes and enjoy the upcoming longer days and warmer weather.  We can venture outside again without our oversized winter coats, mittens, hats, and chunky boots making adventures near and around our home much more enjoyable.   As you clean out your closet you may stumble upon books that are collecting dust, pass these neglected books on to a good friend or donate to a used bookstore.  Help your child participate in a book exchange this spring with a friend.  Give a book away and receive a new book.  Share the joy of reading with your child.   Make the moment memorable…by picking a special place in your home…reading in a fort made by

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Museum Free Days!!

The holiday crowds have dispersed and so once again, several Chicago museums are offering free admission days.  Typically you will need to show proof of IL residency with your driver’s license or other ID.  Check out the list below to visit a new or favorite museum! Adler Planetarium February 5, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14, 19, 20, 21, 25, 26, 27, 28 March 5, 6 The Art Institute (kids 13 and under are always free) Every weekday from January 7th through February 13th. The Brookfield Zoo Sundays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays through February 28th.  Admission to the Hamill Family Play Zoo is free through February 28th. Chicago History Museum (always free for kids 12 and younger) February 4-28 March 4

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