Category: blog

Winter fun crafts for speech and language!

Winter Snowman Craft Materials: Construction paper in winter colors (blue, red, green, orange, black, etc.) Scissors Glue or tape Markers or crayons Cotton balls Small googly eyes Speech Therapy Targets: Articulation: Focus on speech sounds like “s,” “sh,” “ch,” “b,” “p,” and “m” that are common in winter vocabulary (snow, cold, snowman, mittens, boots, ice). Vocabulary: Seasonal vocabulary words (snow, cold, freeze, snowflake, mittens, scarf, hat, snowman, sleet). Sentence Structure: Create simple and complex sentences to describe the snowman (e.g., “The snowman has a red hat” or “The snowman is wearing a blue scarf”). Following Directions: Give step-by-step instructions to assemble the snowman (e.g., “Cut out two circles for the snowman’s body,” “Glue the buttons on the snowman”). How to:

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Ready, Do, Done! – An Executive Function Strategy

  Does your child have a hard time planning and implementing a project? Sometimes even we, adults, have a hard time knowing how to plan, get started, and execute in an efficient way. From smaller projects, like completing a craft, a school essay, an oral presentation, or even cleaning one’s room — there is so much executive functioning that goes into being able to envision what you want the end result to look like, what the steps are to get there (and predicting how much time each step will take!), and what materials and resources you will need before you even get started! That is why Sarah Ward, a wonderful speech-language pathologist, based in New Jersey, created a great strategy for

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Holiday toys/games I recommend on Amazon: 

  6-12 month+: Piggy Bank: Sorting Shapes: Buckle Toy: Stacking Cups: Feed the Fish: Toddlers/Young: Sequence For Kids: Balloon Launcher: Pretend Play Ice Cream: Let’s Go Fishing: Dino Launcher: Zingo: Sorting Baskets: Frankie’s Food Truck: Elementary Aged: Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza: Gravity Maze: Kanoodle: Code Names: Tetris: Quick Pucks: Traffic Jam: Connect Four *Spin: Left Center Right: Teens: The Game of Things: What Do You Meme?: Catan: Wordle Board Game: Mind the Gap:

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The Leaf Thief – What do you predict?

    The leaves are falling! What a great time to read The Leaf Thief By Alice Hemming. Our friend squirrel goes on a fun adventure trying to find the leaf thief. Prior to reading the story, take the time to make predictions as to who the leaf thief is. While reading, use story clues to determine if you guessed correctly. This story is great to talk about prediction, story clues, inferencing, characters’ emotions, and sequencing of events.  You can also do a book walk through looking at the pictures or  words that your child might not know. Write the words down and create a picture or sentence association.  This will help your child recall the meaning of the word

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Importance of a weekly routine: 

Importance of a weekly routine: A weekly routine is crucial for child development as it provides a structured and predictable environment that helps children feel secure and understand what to expect each day. Consistent routines support the development of time management skills, helping children learn to anticipate and prepare for various activities, which fosters independence and confidence. Regular routines also contribute to emotional stability by reducing anxiety and promoting a sense of order. Additionally, routines can improve behavioral regulation by establishing clear expectations and patterns, making transitions smoother and minimizing conflicts. This does not mean that everyday has to look the exact same, that is not realistic.  Although routines might look different day to day, there are some aspects within

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Sleep routines for kiddos!

To promote better sleep for children, it’s important to create a calm bedtime environment and establish a consistent sleep routine. Use cues and routines to help your kiddos transition smoothly to bedtime. Additionally, allocate time for connection and conversation before sleep to foster a sense of security. Utilize these Donkey Hodie bedtime cards   to create a calm environment with your child before bedtime! Donkey Hodie Bedtime Cards Website: Produced By: Fred Rogers Productions

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Self Talk and Parallel Talk

    Self talk is used to narrate your actions. It is a great strategy to increase your child’s exposure to new words. You can model self-talk when completing daily tasks around your baby or toddler. When narrating, think of your five senses (e.g., smell, touch, sight, taste, hearing) For example, if you are driving in the car with your child you can narrate what you are doing (e.g., turning the car on, putting your seatbelt on). You can also describe what you see while driving (e.g., a person crossing the street, the light is red).    Parallel talk is similar to self-talk, the only difference is you are narrating what your child is doing. This helps aid in vocabulary

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What is Symbolic Play? Why is it important? 

    Symbolic play occurs when a child uses an object to represent or symbolize another object. For example if a child uses a banana as a phone, the child is participating in symbolic play. This is also called pretend play. Children start to expand their use of symbolic play from 3-5 years of age. So why is symbolic play important? The use of symbolic play helps in building cognitive skills. Additionally, symbolic play coincides with language development allowing children to create a rich and meaningful learning experience.  Your child is expanding vocabulary, learning new concepts, and creating associations. To learn more about symbolic play and language check the link below!

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Bring Mindfulness to Your Home

In today’s fast-paced world, it is more important than ever to create a little space for mindful communication. Our ability to communicate the best way we can depends on how present we are at any given moment. We can bring more  groundedness, calm, and a sense of safety into our daily lives and routines  through a multitude of simple actions. These actions can help us parents, as well as our children be the best communicators we can be. Here is a few ideas for the whole family: – begin each family meal by taking 5 transition (or “bubble”) breaths (breathing in through your nose and slowly breathing out through pursed lips (as though blowing a big bubble) – during bed-time

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