Welcome to the Wee Speech Blog

Free Articles for Parents

Our team at Wee Speech is committed to bringing you the latest information that could benefit your child.

On this blog you'll find a range of articles, information and recommendations.

What to do during spring break?

With spring break quickly approaching you may be starting to wonder, “What are we going to do for a whole ...
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Cell Phone Etiquette?

The use of a cell phone is an integral part of our daily routine, but it’s slowly changing the way ...
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Ready for Kindergarten?

Do you have a child heading to kindergarten in the fall?  Now is the time to assure he or she ...
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Winter Fun!

As we all experience this snowy, bitter winter many thoughts come to mind.  Will my car start?  Will school be ...
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February Sports!

As we gear up for two big sporting events in February, many people will be talking about the super bowl ...
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Time Capsule

The first week of January, is a good time to reflect on the past year and an excellent time to ...
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