Author: weespe5

What to do during spring break?

  With spring break quickly approaching you may be starting to wonder, “What are we going to do for a whole week?”  Spring break can be complicated to plan for because of the weather.  It may be too cold, wet, or muddy for outdoor activities but not cold enough for the outdoor adventures that winter offers.  The following is a spring mix so you have a plan when the kids say, “I’m bored.” 1. Get in the kitchen Kids love to get in the kitchen and help cook, so let them! Not only will they be more apt to try what you make together, but they also can learn valuable life lessons about feeding themselves.  For younger kids, try making

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Cell Phone Etiquette?

The use of a cell phone is an integral part of our daily routine, but it’s slowly changing the way people communicate.  We can check emails, make phone calls, send pictures, etc. all in a matter of seconds, but fail sometimes to be present in the moment.   Have you ever sat in a crowded room and observed the number of individuals with their heads bent down looking at their phones possibly getting a neck cramp?  Teaching cell phone etiquette may be an opportunity to slow down for a minute and reconnect with your child at the end of the day.  I came across this article that suggests ideas to teach cell phone etiquette for teenagers, but thought we all may

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Ready for Kindergarten?

Do you have a child heading to kindergarten in the fall?  Now is the time to assure he or she is ready!  Your child may be excited or have many questions.  Addressing these questions, supporting academic readiness, and providing emotional support will ease the transition and build a foundation that will foster a love for learning.  The following are some general skills students are expected to have upon entering kindergarten, according to the Illinois Early Learning Project: Hold and use a pencil, crayons, and scissors. Speak well enough for others to understand what she is saying. Say her full name and how she gets to and from school. Handle self-care tasks such as hanging up her coat, going to the

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Winter Fun!

  As we all experience this snowy, bitter winter many thoughts come to mind.  Will my car start?  Will school be cancelled?  What am I going to do with my kids all winter?  Winter can be long, but remember winter is an exciting season.  This year the 2014 Winter Olympics will begin in February!  As the Olympics approach, take this opportunity to learn about the host country as well as all the sports.  What is curling?  What are the different types of skiing?   Yes, we cannot get outside as much, but we can still find activities to keep everybody busy.  Gather the troops and create a list of winter activities to do as a family.  Have each family member contribute

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February Sports!

As we gear up for two big sporting events in February, many people will be talking about the super bowl and the winter olympics.  Not everyone is interested in participating in a conversation about sports, so I’ve developed some questions to make talking about sports more interesting. Super Bowl Questions: What is the NFL? What NFL team is from your state? How many teams are in the NFL? Where will the  NFL play offs be held in 2014? When is the super bowl? What two teams will be playing in the super bowl? What states are the two teams from? Winter Olympics: What events are in the winter olympics? In what city will the winter olympics be held? In what

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Time Capsule

The first week of January, is a good time to reflect on the past year and an excellent time to work on language skills.  A fun activity for you and your family is to make a time capsule for the year 2013. You can use a snack tube (Pringles container) or jar and choose any items you want to decorate the outside of it.  While decorating your container, make sure you talk about what decorations you are using and why.  To fill the inside, you can use family photos, tickets from trips, memorabilia, or anything else that can symbolize events from the past year. This is a great time to work on summarizing and sequencing as well as using the

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Museum Free Days!

The Museum of Science and Industry is my favorite Chicago museum. They currently have a new Walt Disney exhibit that I look forward to visiting. Going to museums with a family can be pricey, but here are some Free Days for Chicago museums: Adler Planetarium: free general admission with valid Illinois id on December: 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 16, 17 Art Institute of Chicago: children 14 and under receive free admission always; Illinois residents get free admission Thursdays from 5-8pm Chicago Children’s Museum: free admission for everyone Thursday evenings 5-8 pm, free admission for all ages under 15 the first Sunday of every month Chicago History Museum: free admission for Illinois residents January 20th, with free special

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Winter Words!

Brr…brr…brr…As winter approaches, many words come to mind-boots, hats, melting, mittens, chilly, cold, snow, wet, hot chocolate, etc.  Can you think of other winter words?  Here are some activities to build language skills. Look in a magazine for clothing items you wear in winter. Have your child describe his or her favorite winter item. Name foods that are chilly. Make hot chocolate with your child.  Have your child tell you the important steps. Compare and contrast winter clothes.  mittens versus gloves or hats versus earmuffs Find a winter craft to do. Make a list of winter sports. Have your child draw a picture of a favorite winter memory. Ask your child to think of winter words that start with each

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Making Snowmen Inside Too!!

  When I think of winter, I think of snow, which makes me want to make a snowman. Winter is the perfect time to build a snowman out of actual snow outside, but if you want to stay warm indoors, you can also make a snowman inside! You can use marshmallows, shaving cream, construction paper, cream cheese, or many other foods, gels, or craft materials. Making a snowman, using whatever materials you decide on, is an excellent language activity. Concepts you can focus on include: Size concepts -You can use words like small, medium, and big -You can also use comparatives (bigger, smaller) and superlatives (biggest, smallest) Sequencing -Talk about the activity, as you are completing it and once you

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Frozen Bubbles

  Bubbles are always fun to blow, but did you know that you can blow bubbles in the winter too?  You can use regular bubble solution and a bubble wand to blow icy bubbles outside on a cold day.  Alternatively, you can make your own bubble solution with water and liquid soap. A wide range of speech and language areas can be targeted including: Articulation -You can work on bilabial sounds (sounds we make with both lips, including p, b, m) Social Skills -You can work on turn-taking Increasing the length of utterances -You can work on combining words (I want bubbles, more bubbles please) Basic Concepts -You can work on concepts including: high, low, up, down, one, many Oral-Motor

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