Family Road Trip Games


Favorite Family Road Trip Games (Activities That Will Elicit Language)

Are you looking to keep your children occupied on a long road trip without relying on screen time to entertain them? Here is a list of simple and engaging games for all ages that are sure to liven up that long car ride:

  1. ISpy: Take turns choosing an object to describe. The player can fill-in-the-blank with any word that describes the object (I spy something blue and round). Players will guess the object based on the description provided

  2. 20 Questions: Take turns choosing a mystery item. Players will take turns asking yes and no questions to guess the mystery object (Is it something that is living?)

  3. The Alphabet Game: Players can work together to locate all of the letters of the alphabet (A-Z) using license plates, road signs, buildings, etc. If you are wanting a good competition, split into teams and race to see who can find A-Z first! Have little ones? You can ask your children to find the various colors of the rainbow if A-Z is too challenging

  4. Silly Storytelling: Have players decide who will begin the story. Take suggestions for words to fill-in-the-blank in the story (may need a pen and paper for this). Players will work together and take turns to fill-in-the-blanks of this silly story (it may be easiest to brainstorm a theme of the story before starting this game). For those older kiddos – Make it challenging by deciding that every fill-in-the-blank has to begin with the same letter

  5. Sound Detective: Fill a small bag (preferably not see through) with items/toys that make noises (keys, squeaky toys, etc.) No time to gather a bag of small, noisy items? You can play this game making sound effects (snapping fingers, clicking tongue) or using things that may already be in the car. Choose a player to go first and have them reach in the bag and make noise with that item without showing it to others. Players will have to guess what is making the sound

Lindsey Pruet-Hornbaker, MA


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