Should I teach a second language to my child if she/he has a language delay?


Yes! Children who have language delays have the capacity to learn more than one language, especially when they are very young. Research has shown that bilingualism does NOT cause a language delay or disorder. Some children who are exposed to more than one language may experience a “silent period,” in which they demonstrate limited verbal communication as they spend time observing and listening to the sounds and structures of the second language. The “silent period” can occur from approximately one month to six months, depending on various factors such as the child’s exposure to each language or his/her age; However, it is important to note that the presence of a “silent period” does not indicate a language delay or disorder. Additionally, a child who presents with grammatical errors in his/her speech only in the second language, does not present with a language disorder but rather, is learning how to speak the second language.

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