Day: May 11, 2024

Speech Sound Production and Reading 

Reading is composed of two different concepts which include word recognition and comprehension. A breakdown in either one will lead to reading difficulties. Presently, there is no specific data connecting sound production to literacy skills; however, speech sound disorders can be an early warning sign for dyslexia. Dyslexia is a phonological processing disorder that is not curable, but it is treatable. Red flags for dyslexia in late preschool and early kindergarten include poor phonological awareness and poor speech sound production. Early screening is recommended so your child can have all the necessary services to be successful.

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Committing to the Speech Therapy Journey 

Speech therapy is a commitment that goes beyond an evaluation. It is not a one time fix and requires attendance, hard work, and consistency. Speech therapy requires a commitment of time, energy, and effort from both the family and child. With dedication to the process, speech therapy can provide growth in communication skills and promote a successful future. Parents and caregivers can support gains in speech therapy by first educating themselves on their child’s disorder and treatment options. Additionally, they can bring their child to treatment, celebrate and praise successes in speech, and support completion of homework/carryover assignments. Speech therapy is not an overnight fix, but if you stick with it, you will see results. It is important to be

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Top 3 Ways to Encourage Language Development in Babies and Young Children

Top 3 Ways to Encourage Language Development in Babies and Young Children May is National Speech-Language-Hearing Month and here are the top 3 things you can do to support and develop your young child’s speech and language skills: TALK Narrate what you are doing and what your child is doing. Use short sentences and keep language simple, but don’t use “baby talk”. You can engage your child with infant directed speech (parentese): try different pitches and tones of voice and be animated. Call objects by their correct names and do not mispronounce words. For examples of parentese, see the video below: How to Talk to With Your Baby When your child starts to talk, expand what they say by adding

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