Thomas the Tank Engine TV Show Character Voiced by Autistic Actors
The kids’ TV show “Thomas & Friends: All Engines Go” recently introduced a new character who has autism. The character’s name is Bruno the Brake Car and he is voiced by child actors who also have autism. Chuck Smith voices the U.S. version of the show, while Elliot Garcia voices the U.K. version. The TV show’s production company, Mattel Television, consulted with various autism organizations and Autistic people when developing the character. Refer to Shelley D. Hutchin’s article from the ASHA LeaderLive listed below. Hutchins, Shelley D. (2022). Thomas the Tank Engine Introduces Autistic Train Voiced by Autistic Actors. The ASHA LeaderLive. Retrieved October 31, 2022, from https://leader.pubs.asha.org/do/10.1044/2022-1011-thomas-autistic-train-slp/full/