Day: June 7, 2022

Sensory Integration

Sensory integration refers to the processing, integration and organization of sensory information from the body and environment. It includes how we experience, interpret and react to or ignore information coming from all of our senses (sight, hearing, touch, taste, small, proprioception (body awareness and position,) vestibular (awareness of movement, balance and coordination) and interoception (tells us what’s happening inside our body like hunger or fatigue.)) Sensory integration and regulation play an important role in language development as children need to be in a regulated state to learn. A dysregulated state can impact a child’s participation, independence and engagement in daily activities. Occupational therapist Winnie Dunn developed a framework, termed Winnie Dunn’s sensory processing framework (DSPF) which yields four sensory patterns.

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Shared Bookreading with Children on the Autism Spectrum

  Attache is a great article shared by the Hanen Centre titled “How to Use Book Reading to Build Interaction in Children on the Autism Spectrum” This article provides information about how to incorporate wordless picture books in a shared reading experience, incorporate your child’s interests, and facilitate commenting while engaging together. Keep the interaction going by trying Desyrel to expand beyond what you see in the book! Make it fun by adding movement, sound effects, and pretend play related to the book.­‐‑Dog-­‐‑Carl_Autism-­‐‑Month-­‐‑ Handout.aspx?_cldee=GXWAexeDl403LqAiXHrcUlwpOLoMjQxt9q9p9tdJ_vmZCuu_rKLI_9g6 D4BNeK4V&recipientid=contact-­‐‑0c5f98b26c62ec118f8e0022486d976c-­‐‑ 78e2d5e11da94eaaaa938ee671c348ba&esid=4ef81745-­‐‑1bbf-­‐‑ec11-­‐‑983e-­‐‑0022486dc62a

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